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Dr. Sebastian Farr, der gerade durch den Eingangsbereich in seiner Ordination am Bu

Hand surgery specialist

I am your expert for hand surgery!

Hand surgery - from diagnosis to treatment

The treatment of diseases of the hand is another focus of my orthopaedic-surgical work. Numerous degenerative, injury- or overuse-related causes can lead to acute or chronic hand complaints, which must first be adequately diagnosed before I can offer you a customized therapy.

While many of these problems can be treated with targeted conservative measures such as physical therapy or infiltrations, for others surgical intervention is often unavoidable to improve quality of life. In these cases, I am happy to perform the necessary surgery as a day clinic or as an inpatient at the Vienna Private Clinic (1090 Vienna).

Frau in gelbem T-Shirt, die an Rhizarthrose leidet und sich gerade schmerzhaft die Hand reibt

In the following section you will find a selection of the most common pathologies of the hand for which I offer treatment: